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Sofiul Azam

Born in Sherpur District, Bangladesh, in 1981, Sofiul Azam has earned Honours and Masters in English Literature from Rajshahi University. He has authored two collections of poems titled Impasse, which was published from Pathak Shamabesh, Dhaka way back in 2003 and Home Thoughts from Home, published from Ulukhar – Little Magazine Publication, Dhaka in 2009. His poems have appeared in literary journals across the world such as Poetry Magazine, Lowe Prose 6- Poetics, Both Sides Now, The Journal (once of Contemporary Anglo-Scandinavian Poetry), Orbis, The Cannon’s Mouth, Monkey Kettle, Forward Press, Conversation Poetry Quarterly, Boyne Berries, Deep South, Poetry Salzburg Review, Grey Borders, Postcolonial Text, Protocol, Trillium Literary Journal, The Cartier Street Review, Red River Review, Debris Magazine, The Flash Review, Apollo’s Lyre, etc and some of them are anthologized as well.


Moreover, he is now working on In Love with a Gorgon, his next collection of poems. He also writes short fiction. Of late, he is working on a novella, “Ashes of the Cremated Dead.” He loves to write creative non-fiction as well; his first non-fictional prose is “A Double-born Kid’s Tale,” a work in progress. His research interests include postcolonial theories with reference to cultural politics and emancipatory aesthetics in the domain of postcolonial literatures across the globe, and he is writing “Not Afraid of Double Rejections: Notes on a Cultural Translation in Postcolonial Literatures.”


Now he lives in Dhaka and teaches English at Victoria University of Bangladesh, having taught it before at Southeast University and at Royal University of Dhaka.

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